Over the years, I've found two women's lifestyle publications that I read cover to cover. One was called Ms.Adventure, which has sadly ceased publication. I wrote for them for about a year before they decided they were unable to continue publishing the newspaper because they weren't able to secure enough advertising dollars to cover the costs. As a free publication, advertising was everything and for one reason or another, it just wasn't there. I was disappointed because, by then, I was devouring everything I could find about women and their contributions to history.
The publication I'm reading now is called Skirt! and they are founded on the principle that, in part, "The ones who came before us made it possible for our daughters to dream bigger...." The letter from the publisher this month is about November 15, 1917 called the "Night of Terror." Take a read as Nikki Hardin encourages you to do your part and vote. Suffragists worked hard and survived amazing horrors because they believed women have something valuable to add to our country. Let your voice be heard.
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